BURGOS, J. L. F.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6563814231314135; BURGOS, José Leonardo Figueiroa.
The application of lean manufacturing techniques is directly related to competitiveness in the
market, as these tools help companies to compete with established ones. This study is an
exploratory research with a quantitative and qualitative approach, aiming to analyze waste
related to inventory, waiting, and transportation in a company classified under CNAE as a
transformation industry that uses cellulose as its main raw material. To conduct this research, a
visit to the site was necessary for observing the production process, along with a structured
interview with the owner to gather detailed information about the company's activities. Based
on the collected data, layout change suggestions were created, following the principles of Just
in Time philosophy, showcasing the current and future state of the organization, as well as
identifying potential improvements in both the production process and overall management of
the company, calculating Takt Time and suggesting the use of the 5S methodology. It is
noteworthy that the analysis focused on the production process of the organization's main
products: napkin paper 20x22 and 14x14.