FERREIRA, E. C. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3534000737469609; FERREIRA, Emanuela Celi da Silva.
This research aimed to analyze the career and remuneration of early childhood education
teaching professionals in the municipal network of Santa Cruz do Capibaribe/PE, based on the
implementation of the PSPN. For this, we opted for Dialectical Historical Materialism (MHD),
as we understand that this approach is what gives us the best conditions to understand reality,
in its multiple determinations, all the contradictory and conflicting relationships, which are
present in social phenomena. We use document analysis as a research technique and strategy.
As data sources, we used the notices from the last two competitions in the municipality of Santa
Cruz do Capibaribe-PE (2008 and 2017), career plans, legislation, and salary tables. We also
carried out consultations on the Santa Cruz do Capibaribe City Hall Transparency Portal, on
the SINDUPROM website and on official social networks (Instagram, Facebook and blog). The
analysis considered the following dimensions: job structure; ways to enter the career; Career
Development; working hours and composition of teachers’ remuneration. The results showed
that after the implementation of the PSPN, and the creation of the PCCR in the municipality of
Santa Cruz do Capibaribe, a process of evolution in the salaries of EI teachers began. We
understand that the non-institution of bonuses, in the composition of remuneration, the form of
progression, considering an increase in percentage gains of 3%, 12%, and 15%, and compliance
with the PSPN, combined with the PCCR, represent important achievements for the
appreciation of EI teachers. However, the data also revealed that there was an increase in
Fundeb resources, with a greater focus on application in elementary education, that 33.3% of
EI teachers did not have a degree, that there is a high number of assistants working in daycare,
and that a large part of these professionals do not have higher education training, being
subjected to a more intense and precarious workload, and having their work centered on care,
in addition to low salaries. Research shows that there is a difference in career entry and a decline
in the appreciation of EI teachers, which indicates that the struggle continues.