ANDRADE, J. K. A.;; ANDRADE, Janne Kely Alves de.
Starting from the principle that the teaching of orality is fundamental to the development
of argumentation and that this is an essential skill for the formation of critical thinking and
action of subjects in society, as well as the evidence that the school still insufficiently
considers oral/argumentative practices in the context of secondary education, this research
gains importance. The motivation for researching this topic was given by the need to
understand how the practices of orality are developed from the textual debate genre at this
level of education, in an approach to this genre as a language activity, democratic and
political, linked to social practices for the development of students' communicative action.
From our concerns, we formulate the following research questions: For what purposes do
Portuguese Language and Philosophy teachers use the debate genre in their classes? How
is teaching action characterized in production practices with the debate genre? What
argumentative skills are demonstrated by students through debate work? Thus, the central
objective of this research is to know how the practice of debate in secondary education is
given from the conception of teachers and students about the contributions of this genre to
the development of communicative action. And as specific objectives: to identify the work
purposes of teachers of Portuguese Language and Philosophy with the genre of debate; to
analyze how the teaching action is characterized in practice with the type of debate in the
classroom; and to analyze the communicative-argumentative skills evidenced in the
conduct of the debate. To this end, we conducted a qualitative field research in a school of
the State Public Network of Ceará, using the semi-structured interview, observation and
videorecording as methodological tools for data collection and production. Two teachers
were interviewed and two debates were videotaped in their respective classrooms. Content
analysis (Bardin, 2018) was the technique used to organize and analyze the data. The
theoretical-methodological references that supported the research were studies that discuss
arguments: Fiorin (2020); Koch and Elias (2021); Ribeiro (2009), debate, orality and
teaching; in sociodiscursive interactionism: Bronckart (2006, 2008, 2012); Schneuwly and
Dolz (2004); Bakhtin (1997); Marcuschi (2005); Machado (2009); Carvalho and Ferrarezi
Jr. (2018). The results indicate that practices involving the debate genre in high school,
despite occurring, still do not occur as frequently or systematically. Teachers recognize
debate as an instrument for developing communicative skills, namely, expression of points
of view, argumentation, organization of ideas, respect for colleagues' speech. Thus, in the
disciplines investigated, the debate genre presents itself, predominantly, as an educational
activity, as an instrument of didactic-pedagogical action for the discussion of a topic, to
the detriment of a systematized work of the genre, focusing on textual characteristics,
production strategies and uses in social contexts.