NASCIMENTO, C. E. L.;; NASCIMENTO, Carlos Eduardo de Lima.
The research was carried out at the José Bonifácio Barbosa de Andrade Municipal School for Children and Primary Education, located in the district of Pio X, in the municipality of Sumé - PB, in the 8th and 9th grade classes; the research also included the participation of some teachers who teach in elementary school II classes. Our study is based on qualitative research, with the main objective of observing the relationship between the use of educational games and their possible contributions to the teaching and learning process in classes in the final years of elementary school. In this research, we used observation to follow up a little on how this game was used in the classroom (when it was used). We also used two types of questionnaires, one for the students and the other for the teachers. As a result, we found that the vast majority of those interviewed believe that educational games can be used as a teaching method, achieving good results by working in a more dynamic way. According to the answers obtained through the questionnaires, we can see that the educational game has emerged as a new teaching and learning tool, departing from the traditional method, where it is widely used today, to this new methodology that passes on the syllabus in a dynamic way, but which is effective in obtaining a positive result.