RODRIGUES, M. C. F.;; RODRIGUES, Maria Clara Ferreira.
In this essay, we show the creation of a didatic source – a pedagogic game – that use the
recreation, music and historics elements for teach about the “cangaço”. Building over the active
metologies, the study proposes a game with musics as didatic tools for to promove the
engagement and the autonomy of students, in the way of a ludic and interative in the History
guideline. The game’s conception is based on the theory of Maria Auxiliadora Schimidt (2020),
that highlights the importance of history knowledge for develope the conscience and history
thought of students, support then to interprat the past and to build an identity oriented for the
time. For this, the game uses songs that include the cangaço theme, using them with historic
sources and didatic resources that facilite the theme comprehension. This article describes the
metologic way adopted for the material Building, with is based on the research-action,
according to Maria Amélia Santoro Franco (2005), that emphasizes the intregation of reasearch
and pratic intervention. The activities involves the production of the material, the resource
employees and didatic aplique with elementary’s teacher. The evaluation was realized by means on questionaries and discussions while the application, allowing adjustments that the aim is
improve the mechanichs game and potencialize the historics apprenticeship.