BRITO, J. R. P.;; BRITO, José Rony Passos.
The design of foundation elements plays a crucial role in the context of structural design of
buildings. The choice between a direct or indirect foundation, such as pipes or blocks on
piles, depends on the load capacity of the land and the requirements of the structural design.
This work addresses the formulation of the design problem for blocks on 2, 3 and 4 piles,
considering restrictions defined by ABNT NBR 6118:2023 standards, including the spacing
between piles and the concrete compressive strength (fck). In this sense, the objective of
this work is to develop an Excel spreadsheet for the purpose of sizing blocks on reinforced
concrete piles. The results obtained using the tool in question show that it can be a great
help in sizing these blocks, when they meet the minimum requirements defined by
standards. Comparative numerical examples show that when there is no geometry limitation,
a solution can be obtained by reducing or increasing the number of piles and changing the
geometric configuration of the block.