AYRES, B. B. F.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4517455006136995; AYRES, Bárbara Brena Ferreira.
Communication is the basis of development and radio is still the most widely used means
of communication among rural dwellers. The aim of this research was to describe and
evaluate the educommunication proposal of the Matutando Solos e Agroecologia
programme, a university extension project that since 2012 has been socialising
knowledge about the soil, in an important dialogue for and with rural people, about
conservation practices and agroecology. The methodology adopted was a case study
and included data collection from various sources, such as academic publications,
social networks and programme records, as well as an evaluation of the adaptations
made during the pandemic. The results show that Matutando has fulfilled its mission of
disseminating conservation practices and promoting agroecology, valuing farmers and
strengthening local identity. The active participation of farmers and the adaptive
approach were key factors in the programme's success, demonstrating its ability to
bring technical knowledge closer to the daily reality of rural producers. In conclusion,
the Matutando Solos e Agroecologia programme has established itself as an essential
tool in rural communication and educommunication that for over a decade has acted
as an effective agricultural radio broadcasting strategy for Cariri farmers, facilitating the
dissemination of technical knowledge and promoting sustainable practices. Its
educational and participatory approach not only strengthens soil education, but also
values local culture and the knowledge and activities of rural people. Broadcasting
should therefore be encouraged as a means of information to promote rural