MELO, I. K. R.; MELO, Izadora Kelly Rodrigues de.
The educational policy established with Law 13.415/17, the so-called New Secondary Education, caused changes in the structure of Brazilian education with a curriculum reformulation which diversifies, and promotes full-time education. Before its implementation, in 2015, the State of Paraíba already adhered to the expansion of students time at school, with the creation of Integral Citizen Schools (ECI) and Technical Integral Citizen Schools (ECIT) - the latter aiming to train labor able to join labour market. The general objective of this research is to analyze the perspective of technical teachers and students at a Technical Integral Citizen Schools (ECIT) in Paraíba (Brasil), regarding the implementation of vocational education in this educational model. To identify teacher's view, individual interviews were carried out with the six of these preceptors, responsible for the institution's professional training itinerary. As for the students, 80 questionnaires were administered in person to the 2nd and 3rd year public at ECIT Felix Rocha (50% of the total number of students enrolled in both grades). The teachers are between 28 and 41 years old and all have training in the area of technical expertise, but none have training for teaching (initial or additional). When evaluating ECIT, they demonstrated optimism regarding professional training in high school, due to the possibility of expanding opportunities for students after completing basic education. Regarding students, 37 (46.3%) chose the school attracted by the technical courses, but, when answering a question about future prospects, only 17 (21.3%) stated that, after high school, intend to work in the field of school’s technical training, while 37 (46.3%) express a desire to pursue college education. Concerning curricular components, they express dissatisfaction with the diversified base of curricular content (especially Elective, Life Project and Post-High School). At the same time, they indicate the need to increase the course load of BNCC subjects (with emphasis on Geography, Sociology and Chemistry). Among the improvements desired for the school, the most quoted were food, infrastructure and course load. The results indicate the need to consider the students' experience so that vocational technical training can occur with less stressful course load and without harm to general education.