SILVA, B. F.;; SILVA, Bruna França da.
This paper aims to propose a creative reading of the myth of Inês de Castro in the
classroom, using the dramaturgical cordel Almas Livres (Almeida, 2022) and the
application of the LerAtos Method (Barros; Andrade, 2017). The research seeks to
encourage students' creativity and engagement through the practice of creative
reading and writing, promoting a deeper understanding of the myth of Inês de Castro.
The methodology involved a bibliographic review of the study’s components – the
Inesian myth, the dramaturgical cordel, and the LerAtos method – followed by the
proposition of a didactic sequence to be carried out in conjunction with pedagogical
workshops. These workshops encompass the four stages of the LerAtos Method: (1)
Dreaming, (2) Fruition, (3) Creation, and (4) Giving, in which students explore the story
of Inês de Castro interactively, creatively, and collaboratively. The application of the
method, tailored to the current proposal, indicates improvements in students’ critical
thinking and artistic expression, enabling an interdisciplinary approach to literature. In
the final considerations, it is concluded that the LerAtos Method contributes to active
and creative learning, where students experience the process of "authorship-reading,"
being challenged to achieve the goals of reading-action missions within a territory that
is ripe for innovation and in need of efforts for potential changes, as seen in the school
environment. The research provides a valuable contribution by presenting innovative
teaching and learning opportunities focused on the LerAtos Method in schools of the
cariri region in Paraíba, as well as future research possibilities related to these