ALMEIDA, W. S.;; ALMEIDA, Wlisses Santos de.
The elderly population has been seen as a target audience for developing
pressure injuries, which is a public health problem that affects the entire population.
Therefore, a formal or informal caregiver is able to face the daily challenges imposed by the
act of caring with greater security, since health care is not limited to the hospital environment
and also to the home environment. Objective: To identify national and international scientific
publications on elderly caregivers in the prevention of pressure injuries. Methodology:
Integrative review developed during the completion of the Bachelor of Nursing course at the
Federal University of Campina Grande, Campus Cuité. The guiding question was prepared
using the PICO strategy, focusing on caregivers of the elderly and their intervention in the
prevention of pressure injuries. It was decided to include scientific articles, national and
international, available in the Virtual Health Library (VHL) and Capes Periodical Portal, from
2019 to 2023. And, excluding systematic reviews, editorials, monographs, dissertations and
theses. Data analysis was carried out using a combination of descriptors in Portuguese,
English and Spanish related to pressure injuries, elderly caregivers and prevention. Results: It
is identified that adequate knowledge of caregivers is essential to prevent pressure injuries in
the elderly. It is also evident that caregivers have basic knowledge about the causes of
injuries, but are not well informed about preventive measures. The identified difficulty is
considered to be the lack of guidance and human resources for home care. And, as preventive
strategies, regularly changing the patient's position, specific mattresses, are important to avoid
pressure injuries. Conclusion: The importance of elderly caregivers in preventing pressure
injuries is highlighted, highlighting the need for greater awareness and education of these
professionals. The lack of comprehensive studies on the topic and the methodological
limitations found during the research indicate the need for more research in this area.
Investing in training and continuing education programs for caregivers is essential to improve
prevention practices. Collaboration between healthcare professionals, caregivers and patients
is essential to ensure effective and comprehensive care for the elderly in preventing pressure