AZEVEDO, N. M.;; AZEVEDO, Nicoly Martins de.
Pathological manifestations arise in buildings as a consequence of failures that
compromise the structure's performance and limit the functioning of systems, putting
the lives of users at risk. In light of this, the present work aims to identify the
pathological manifestations found in the building known as Sobrado Padre Justino,
located in the center of Jardim do Seridó/RN. Therefore, the study followed the
guidelines and procedures established by NBR 16747:2020 for building inspections.
On-site inspections were conducted, data was collected, floor plans were created,
photographs were taken, classifications were made, and tables and graphs were
prepared. To organize these findings, the methodology utilized the GUT matrix
(Severity, Urgency, and Trend) to determine the priority level of each manifestation,
and consequently, to propose suitable intervention alternatives for the preservation
and conservation of the building.