PEREIRA, Willdelbrando Custódio.
Since the mid-20th century, the mobility patterns of Brazilians have changed
significantly due to rapid urbanization and the increase in motorized travel. The
municipality of Itaporanga, located in the state of Paraíba, is classified as a small
city with a population of 23,940 inhabitants. Given its size, it is common for the
municipality to face difficulties in implementing specific public policies aimed at
different mobility groups, such as bicycle users. The lack of adequate policies for
these groups creates considerable challenges in promoting inclusive and
sustainable urban mobility. Recognizing this gap, this work aims to develop an urban
mobility model that addresses the needs of cyclists. To this end, a questionnaire
was developed using the Google Forms platform, allowing respondents to identify
the factors that encourage and hinder bicycle use. Additionally, to make this
proposal more appealing and realistic for the city, an initial project was drafted. This
preliminary project focused on identifying the most accessible and coherent points
for the implementation of bike lanes. Thus, it was possible to obtain results regarding
the characteristics of the roads and the approval rate of the bike lane idea, revealing
a satisfactory and conclusive effort for this proposal.