ALMEIDA, M. D.;; ALMEIDA, Manoel Donato de.
This work is divided into 4 chapters and a conclusion. The first chapter consists of a THEORETICAL METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK. This, in turn, is subdivided into 4 parts, where the bourgeois, reformist and revolutionary conception of the state in modern capitalist society is characterized. Still in the fourth part of this chapter, the relation between the organic composition of capital, the law of the reduction of the rate of profit and the intervention of the State is discussed. In the development of this chapter we pursue the objectives of proving the hypotheses that despite the different conceptions about the state it is not an entity existing above the classes. But that in any society, and especially in modern capitalism, the state is an institution of one class to repress another. And the bourgeois state has as one of the main objectives the repression of the proletariat. Thus, even during the process of class struggle that took place in the capitalist system, the dominated class is able to consolidate some victories, such as wage increases, reduction of working hours, etc., workers can not be content with economic achievements , because although of great importance, when under the bourgeois state the workers achieve such advances they must organize for the conquest and the access to the power and not be content with the mere economic conquests. For the process of capitalist accumulation is a contradictory process in which some achievements made by the labor force holders within the framework of this system can further benefit the class of the holders of the means of production. These have endless ways to increase your profits, with increasing degree of exploitation of the workforce. They can increase the working day by increasing the absolute added value formed and / or increasing the speed of the productive process of labor, increasing the relative surplus value. They can seize the reserve industrial army by pushing the value of the labor force down; they can still intervene in trade unions, making it difficult for workers to organize. The ruling class counts in this process with the INTERVENTION OF THE STATE in the economic domain favoring the extraction of higher rates of profit for the capitalists. Whenever necessary, the Brazilian case would be taken as an example of the Brazilian case, both in the struggles that followed after the revolution of 30, and the period of historical reversal that began with the military coup of 1964. In the second chapter, far an analysis of some historical antecedents of the military coup of 64. This will cover the period between 1930 and 1964. It will be the modernization of the structure of the State between 1930 and 1937, the arbitration established in the Estado Novo between 1937 and 1945, the period marked by relative political freedoms, between 1945 and 1947, the suppression of these freedoms between 1947 and 1950, in the phase in which economic liberalism prevails and political repression and that completes the government of Eurico Gaspar Dutra. Also in this chapter, the general political and economic aspects of Getúlio Vargas's government and its death and the rise of Café Filho between 1950 and 1956 will be analyzed in a general way. This chapter will be complemented by an analysis of the governments of Juscelino Kubitschek, Jânio Quadros and João Goulart. This chapter will conclude with an evaluation of the economic, political and social crisis during which the military coup of 1964 was unleashed. In the third chapter, the Brazilian State will be dealing with the actions of the Brazilian state from the military coup from 64 to the end of the so-called "BRAZILIAN MIRACLE" period. In this part of the work it is tried to show how after the military coup the generals prepared the economy of the country to make it attractive for foreign capital. They created laws that would benefit the big capital to the detriment of the workers ", they created a legal structure where the generals had king's powers, favored to the multinational companies the conditions to take during the period from 1968 to 1974 the best rates of profits. (PAEG), which was the plan in which the generals prescribed the broad lines of economic policy for the first years of the military dictatorship: wage freezes, inflation control with monetarist measures.In this chapter, we will study the effects of the Strike Law, which the militarist state imposed on the workers, preventing them from any movement in defense of their wages.In part three of this chapter will make an analysis of the Guarantee Fund for Time of Service instituted by the military government and whose purpose was to facilitate the dismissal of workers by capitalist enterprises. provided companies with the facility of dispensing them with relatively large sums of money with indemnities by increasing the turnover of the workforce and breaking the stability provided for in previous laws. In pair