SOUZA, C. B.;; SOUZA, Catharie Brandão de.
This dissertation's main objective is to develop anti-racist literary education work with 9th year
elementary school students with the poetry of indigenous author Márcia Kambeba. We sought
to highlight the relevance of indigenous poetry in the resistance of original peoples in relation
to the fight against racism. The research used poems from several works by Kambeba, such as
Saberes da Floresta and O Lugar do Saber Ancestral, etc. As theoretical excerpts that guided
our investigation, we highlight: In the field of reflections on indigenous literature: Almeida
(2009), Cagnet (2015), Dorrico (2021), Graúna (2013), Munduruku (2010 /2017), Potiguara
(2019), Thiel (2012). In the methodological field, we make use of the reception method
supported by Bordini & Aguiar (1988) and performative in Oliveira (2018), also the conception
of literary conversations in Bajour (2012), Pinheiro (2018) and Rosemblat (2002) that
contribute to the reflection relating to an interactive approach to the literary text. The experience
of reading indigenous poetry in the classroom favored a change in the students' view of
indigenous peoples. There was a recognition of prejudiced perceptions that circulate, as well as
a greater interest in the diverse cultural manifestations of Brazilian indigenous people.