GALVÃO, V. K. G.;; LACET, Vanda Késsia Gomes Galvão.
Under the theoretical guidance of French Discourse Analysis founded by Michel Pêcheux, this
thesis aims to understand how the discursive event of the COVID-19 pandemic resonated in the
circulation-confrontation of formulations within three Brazilian media segments: Mainstream
Media (GM), Alternative Media (MA), and Conservative Media (MC). For this, we resort to
the central concepts of discursive event (Pêcheux, 2008; Orlandi, 2021); discursive memory
(Pêcheux, 1999); subject-position (Pêcheux, 1995); and discursive place (Grigoletto, 2007). In
a qualitative study (Gibbs, 2009) with a research corpus of archives (Courtine, 2014), we
selected nine websites as objects of analysis: Folha de S.Paulo, CNN Brasil, and Jovem Pan for
MM; Agência Pública, Brasil de Fato, and Brasil 247 for AM; and Brasil sem Medo, Conexão
Política, and Pleno News for CM. From an archive composed of 990 articles, published between
2020 and 2023, we built a corpus of 47 publications as representative of the discourses from
these outlets. We divided the analysis into three movements, focusing on discourses about the
origin of the coronavirus, the efficacy of public health protocols, and responsibilities in
managing the health crisis in Brazil. The study found that, from the ideologies that challenge
them, in the discourse on the pandemic, a dominant part of GM and MA adhered to scientific
discourse, while another part of GM and MC tended to support denialist and anti-communist
discourses. We identified that this circulation-confrontation of meanings occurred through five
most recurrent subject positions, which were identified with: science, the left-wing political
social conception, anti-communism, common sense, and denialism. Our gesture of conclusion
is that, in the journalistic coverage of the three segments investigated, because their different
ideological affiliations, different versions of the pandemic were configured. In them, points of
contact were presented between GM and MA, in defense of science, and between GM and MC,
in favor of the anti-communist bias, but not in the same way, since each segment produces
meaning from a discursive place that affects these modes of signification, resorting to science
for economic or political aspects (left and right) purposes. The thesis contributes to discursive
studies by demonstrating how journalistic facts are ideologically and linguistically constituted,
and are therefore facts of a discursive nature that will not be published in the same way in
different media segments, even if they talk about the same subject. We argue that journalistic
mediation of events represents a political practice of the media, which goes beyond simple
informative mediation and permeates the power relations at play in society. Our study also helps
in understanding that the meanings produced in journalism are not transparent, but opaque.
Furthermore, we highlight the importance of studying emerging conservative media as a distinct
segment from mainstream media, given their historical and ideological differences, with MC
being a segment that has been little researched, growing in the digital environment and lacking
analysis. The study highlights the opacity of the discursive event of the pandemic and the game
of positions in the journalistic discourse that represented the political forces symbolized there
in an attempt to regularize specific meanings coming from the political, economic and scientific
fields in the memory networks that gave legibility to this event.