DIAS, J. N. M.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2988605502101496; DIAS, Jader Nobre Macedo.
The Portuguese Language Book (LDLP) has a strong presence in the classroom and
most of the time acts as the great center of activities and contents developed in the
classroom. Based on this finding, we seek to understand if the work with the text in
the LDLP is likely to provide the student with a significant approximation with the
textual diversity that circulates in the social environment. We seek to establish a
reflection on the LDLP, in relation to the proposals that aim to bring the student
closer to the use of reading, writing and orality present in various social contexts. For
this, we are based on the theoretical orientations of Bakhtin (1997), the social-
discursive interactionism of Marcuschi (2002, 2008), Rojo (2009), Dolz & Schneuwly
(2004) and National Curricular Parameters guidelines. The corpus of the research
was the manual of Portuguese Language adopted in Fundamental II (9th year)
adopted in E.E.F.M. Governor Adauto Bezerra, in Crato-CE, Will of Knowing
Portuguese, by Rosimeire Alves and Tatiane Brugnerotto and their analysis was
given by means of the realization of three stages. In the first, we seek to understand
the concept of textual genre. Next, we try to establish a relationship between the
book and the textual genre in the light of the NCP (LP) of the Portuguese Language
for the fourth cycle of primary school. After that, we proceeded to analyze the didactic
book through the theory of the textual genres adopted by us. In all stages, we use a
qualitative-quantitative approach, in order to illustrate and present how the
exploration of textual genres in LDLP occurs.