DINIZ, T. M.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/2130037165569305; DINIZ, Taiza Maciel.
The present work aims to analyze the process of digital inclusion in the educational system in the public schools of Brazil interlacing the reality of the Western Cariri region in Paraíba on the process of the implantation of the computational tools in the. Taking as a basis the behavior of society increasingly connected with the virtual world in performing essential activities in daily life, simply by clicking and within reach the availability of various operations, making necessary knowledge about given information and communication technologies so that it has autonomy over the space that is. Bringing research experiences the study seeks to reinforce the idea of informatics in the school environment by relating the school as a direct environment in the student's preparation for social life, generating a reflection on the reform of pedagogical practice. The research was carried out through bibliographical and documentary studies, trying to find out how the school is adjusting to the process of digital technologies in the educational scope and the actions that the State has been taking to democratize the access of computational tools. The follow-up of three governmental projects implemented in education, EDUCOM, PROINFO and UCA, such projects are based on the articulation of the fight against digital exclusion, providing teacher training on the digital technological environment and the availability of computational tools in public education. However, this system is still in default of the barriers faced in some regions, provoking an educational and social inequality. Throughout this work we will see what are the main difficulties currently facing schools for the implementation of this new technology and what actions have been taken to access all.