RAMOS, T. R. M.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3343415815857672; RAMOS, Thalita Ranielly Moraes.
The associations are non-governmental entities of the third sector that have their own
management and voluntary, besides presenting itself as an outlet in times of crisis, the
association of beekeepers and meliponicultores - AMME-SJC is located in the stone site in the municipality of are José dos Cordeiros, State of Paraíba, aiming to increase and
improve the production of honey and family income and to influence the socioeconomic
and cultural development of the municipality, bees are essential for food production and
preservation of the environment in this work was Raising the main social and
environmental indicators that show the contributions of beekeeping and meliponicultura in
the municipality having as main objective To analyze how the Association of Beekeepers
and Meliponicultores - AAME-SJC influences in the commercial, social, economic and
cultural development of the municipality of São Jose dos Cordeiros - PB.