SANTOS, B. N.;; SANTOS, Beatriz Nunes dos.
The didactic book, from now on DB, it is fundamental importance to the teaching in the class,
because it is the basic instrument of the teaching. In this work, it will be held an analysis of
the DB and its approach about the treatment of linguistic variety in the sociolinguistic
perspective. Along with, we aim to propose a discussion about of the importance of working
the phenomenon of the variety of the linguistic levels in the class, through of analytical
theoretical study of the DB of the Portuguese language. With a view, the traditional teaching
which favours the standard rules in the school, that all the time is being approached in the
Portuguese Language classes, directed only to the rote memorization of the grammar rules,
stigmatizing the linguistic variety commented in a brief what therefore reinforces the
linguistic preconception about the student face to linguistic diversity in the society. To carry
out this work, was possible by analytical theoretical study, of qualitative nature with the help
of the theoretical assumption of Amaral (2013), Alkmim (2001), Bagno (1999, 2013, 2007),
Martelotta (2009), Martins (2014), Orlandi (2006), PCN (1998), Tarallo (2005) among others.
Our focus occurred on methodological proposal of the book “Novas Palavras” by Amaral etall
(2013, p. 162-190), comparing with curriculum proposal, which approach the phenomenon of
the variety of the linguistic, to evaluate if thematic it is exposed appropriately or if it reinforce
the linguistic preconception. In this way, to teacher takes an innovative position, he should
have a good formation and a great knowledge about the sociolinguistic and seek research
other means and teaching materials to help them in this task.