PEQUENO, A. M.;; PEQUENO, Antonio de Mamede.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the physical-chemical quality of goat milk of
different genotypes. The work was carried out at the Várzea Nova farm located in the
municipality of Serra Branca and at the Federal University of Campina Grande at the Center for the Sustainable Development of Semi-Arid at the Food Technology Laboratory, where the physical-chemical characteristics and the Somatic Cell Count were evaluated. The physicochemical analyzes were performed on the Complete Ultrasonic Milk Analyzer - AKSO. For the parameters of composition of milk: fat%, non-greasy solids%, protein%, lactose%, salts%, density, added water, and index, the genotype did not influence and all were within the standard required by Normative Instruction 37, with the exception of fat content of animals SPRD 2.84%. The Somatic Cell Count was done in the LACTOSCAN® Somatic Cell Counter and based on the Normative Instruction No. 62 for cow's milk, all genotypes are above the maximum allowable limit, the SPRD genotype being the lowest in CCS. In view of the presented, we can conclude that the genotypes studied did not influence the composition of goat's milk.