COSTA, A. B.;; COSTA, Andréa Braz.
In the late twentieth century the 'capitalism underwent social, political and economical
changes and brought about a new accumulation model based on a flexible and
productive structure of a less interventionist state in a society considered to be more
globalized. The educational field in the context of changes has become a strategic locus
of study due to the demand for discussions on brazilian educational policies in the
1990s. As for the conducting of those policies, some aspects like the economic and
demographic contexts come up with suitable questions for the estimation of the reai
concept of the educational policies. Thus, aiming to highlight the relation between the
economic and demographic, scenarios in the building of educational policies in the
1990s, a study based on the main discussions about the topic was carried out by
gathering opinions of several authors, as well as papers from the government and
international organizations. A historical contextualization was done involving the
happenings in the economic educational scenario pointed out in the first two chapters of
this dissertation. It also comprised, in the third chapter, the aspect of the brazilian
demographic dynamics by associating it with the economic politic context as well as
with the expenses on education. According to the study, the strategic association of
demographic dynamics, economy, and education does comprise the formulation of the
brazilian education policies. Realizing that the intensifying of the policies towards the
fundamental teaching has proved to be effective for low cost and at a short term in a
context of economic changes, the state crisis and the measures to cut down on social
expenses have turned out to be strategic to the current education policy.