LIMA, R. L. F.;; LIMA, Renato Luiz Farias.
The present study was intended to evaluate the production of seedlings of yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa), the effect of irrigation with Water residuaria and organic fertilization in the Cariri region of Paraiba. Seedlings were prepared, having as substrate soil and soil more organic fertilization (soil + poultry litter, soil + manure and soil + organic compounds) in the proportion of 75% to 25% of soil organic fertilizer as each treatment and irrigated with three types of water (water supply, domestic wastewater treated and gray water), the experimental design used was the randomized blocks in factorial 4 x 3, with 4 replications, totaling 48 experimental units. The variables analyzed were percentage of emergence, stem diameter, height of seedlings, chlorophyll content, fresh and dry matter of the aerial part and root of passion fruit seedlings, performing the statistical analysis the software R. There are technical feasibility of the use of recycled water (domestic wastewater treated and gray water) in the irrigation of seedlings of yellow passion fruit. The proper use of substrate can provide the seedling production of better quality. There is interdependence between the qualities of water used in irrigation and types of substrate employed in the production of seedlings of yellow passion fruit. The best water quality will depend on the type of substrate employed, as well as the best substrate, will depend on the quality of water used for irrigation of the seedlings of yellow passion fruit. The types of substrates and the use of water for reuse in irrigation of the seedlings of yellow passion fruit, did not affect the percentage of emerged seedlings.