PEREIRA, J. C. H.; PEREIRA, Josefa Cláudia Hilário.
Environmental education as a focus on education can lead to a better quality of life,
taking advantage of the school's idle spaces. The National Curricular Parameters
document that subsidizes the pedagogical practice, affirm the need to transform human
behavior with nature, being this one worked in a continuous and permanent way. In this sense, the objective of the work was to train young people of elementary school, so that
they can develop sustainable activities in the use of natural resources, as well as to
promote environmental awareness contributing to the improvement of the quality of
life. This work has an environmental aspect that aims to educate students about the need
to seek citizenship actions, preserving and conserving the environment in which they
live beyond the school space. The study was carried out at the Vasconcelos Brandão
State School of Elementary Education (EEEFVB), located in the city of Serra Branca-
PB, with the group of 6th grade, aged 11 to 13 years, seeking the local development of
the community through knowledge of sustainable practices and as a motivating element
for environmental education activities, aiming at the fact that the school does not have a
wooded area and has an improvement in the environmental conditions benefiting all the
area of the Educandário, because with the planting of fruit tree crops, the area to be
greening, will promote changes in the environment, modifying the landscape and
improving the green of the school. The project was carried out through the application
of workshops, where it sought to expand debates on concepts and preservation of space,
transforming it into a sustainable environment. The following species were used:
Bananeira, Goiabeira, Mamoeiro and Acerola, in experimental phase, being able to be
extended with other cultures in the course of time. Planting these trees helps combat
global warming and meets the recreational, leisure and food needs. In addition, to
promote the embellishment and soften the solar incidence in the school area. .
Keywords: Agroecology. Sustainability. Fruit trees.