CHIANCA, L. O.;; CHIANCA, Luciana de Oliveira.(BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 1987-12)
This work aims to rescue the history of São João de Campina Grande until it reached its current form as the Largest São João in the World, with a view to relating it to the actions of the City Hall and the Department of Tourism.
NUNES, E. B. A. C.; NUNES, Elly Berto Amancio Correia.(BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2024-10-08)
This work is based on a transdisciplinary approach with the aim of investigating the
religious phenomenon from as many perspectives as possible. The methodology used is that of a bibliographic review. Through works by ...
PEREIRA, L. M. A.;; PEREIRA, Luiz Maciano Araújo.(BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2024)
This experience report aims to present and reflect on pedagogical practices in the context of teaching History carried out in full-time classes at the Padre Simão Fileto Municipal Elementary School, located in the city of ...
SILVA, L. S.;; SILVA, Luana de Sousa.(BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2024-10-30)
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the construction of memory and the past-present in the short stories “Encontro de Acaso” and “O despertar”, from the work A cidade e a infância (1960), by Angolan writer José Luandino ...
MACÊDO, D. M.;; MACÊDO, Dheyse Medeiros.(BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2024-05-17)
In Brazil, as established by the 1988 Constitution, Inclusive Education is an essential component of this process. IBGE data from 2010 highlights the significant presence of Brazilians with visual impairments, the target ...
SALES, R. S.;; SALES, Romualdo da Silva.(BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2024-06-07)
This study focuses on the narratives of four university students about their experiences relating to the functioning of gender performativity and sexual orientation during their time in basic education and higher education. ...
ALMEIDA, A. A. R.; ALMEIDA, Aleff Artur Rodrigues de.(BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2023-11-30)
This article aims to report the importance of the Supervised Curricular Internship at the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), for the training of Geography degree students. The practices experienced during internships ...
ALCÂNTARA, M. B. T. M.;; ALCÂNTARA, Maria Beatriz Torreão Morais de.(BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2024-10-17)
This study investigated the role of social interactions in K-Pop Brand Virtual Communities in the relationship between the feeling of belonging, social identification (or congruence) and brand loyalty. Based on the theoretical ...
BARROS, J. S.;; BARROS, Jordana dos Santos.(BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2024-05)
In this article, it is proposed to discuss reflections on the construction of Latin American identity and resistance from the analysis of the music video This is Not América, by the Puerto Rican Resident. In the introduction, ...
GARCEZ, G. N. C.;; GARCEZ, Gutemberg Nascimento Cunha.(BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2024-10-29)
This research analyzes the representations of coexistence and interracial relations in the films "The Searchers" (1956) by John Ford and "Fire Arrow" (1950) by Delmer Daves. Through a focus on the representation of indigenous ...
SANTANA, S. A.; SANTANA, Salomão Alves.(BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2024-10-30)
In this experience report, I analyze some experiences of my schooling process, teacher training and activities developed in the Teaching Practice of History in a class at E.E.E.F.M Nina Alves de Lima in the period 2024.1 ...
ARRUDA FILHO, J. P.;; ARRUDA FILHO, Joeliton Pinheiro de.(BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2023-06-29)
During the COVID-19 pandemic, English as a foreign language (EFL) teaching
transitioned from a predominantly in person classroom-based context to an emergency
remote teaching context (HODGES et al, 2020). A PIBIC project ...
FIDELIS, N. B.;; FIDELIS, Nicodemos Barros.(BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2023-12-05)
Brazil had in its colonial and imperial period the use of slave labor made up of black men
and women brought from Africa, in the baggage the memory of a people rich in traditions
and knowledge in handling the land, in ...
COSTA, R. M. B;; COSTA, Raissa Maria Barreto.(BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2023-11-06)
Deaf literature plays a crucial role in the construction of deaf identity, facilitating
cognitive development through imagination and understanding of the narrative adapted
with deaf characters for readers. This research ...
LUCENA, A. L. M.; LUCENA, Anna Luiza Melo.(BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2024-10-24)
This paper, entitled "Museums of Campina Grande: the Role of Building Historical Memory and Heritage Education", investigates the contribution of the Cotton Museum and the Historical Museum of Campina Grande in the ...
LIMA, L. L.; LIMA, Larissa de Lira.(BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2024-10-14)
The aim of this monograph was to analyze the Brazilian Portuguese subtitles of the cultural markers in the TV Show Insecure, focusing on four characters, Issa, Molly, Tiffany and Kelli. To achieve this aim, the cultural ...
NASCIMENTO, Ivamberto Trajano do.(BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2023)
This experience report is the result of a rescue of memories. Initially I will present facts
related to my family and school, therefore I will present the difficulties faced in elementary
and high school, from my trajectory ...
FREITAS, D. A.; FREITAS, Daniel Alves de.(BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2024-10-30)
Suicide is a public health concern, especially among young people, and an appropriate approach
by health professionals is essential for prevention and intervention in these cases. This research
addressed different aspects ...
SILVA, J. L. P.; SILVA, José Lucas Pereira da.(BrasilCentro de Humanidades - CHUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2024-11-05)
This study aims to analyze the approach to political education in state schools in Pedras de Fogo-PB, comparing two educational institutions with distinct modalities: a civic school and a traditional school. The research ...