ANDRADE, E. S.;; ANDRADE, Eliane da Silva.
Concern about the environment has intensified more and more in recent decades, causing changes in the behavior of individuals. In this context emerges a new type of consumer, considered green or ecological, which has become increasingly more concerned about and demanding environmental issues. As a way to meet this profile, companies have begun to adhere to green marketing strategies with the aim of satisfying them and also creating a positive image for society. This study aims to analyze the influence of environmental issues on the purchasing behavior of teachers in the public school of the city of Riacho de Santo Antônio-PB. Its specific objectives are this research; Identify environmental issues that interfere with consumer behavior, show concern about environmental issues, verify teachers' positioning in relation to environmental activism, check on knowledge of environmental issues and finance, and finally point out actions related to conscious consumption. The theoretical basis was based on environmental issues, green marketing, consumer buying behavior. He brought some contributions of already existing works highlighting important results for the researched area. Regarding the methodology used, the research is characterized as descriptive and quantitative. For data collection, a questionnaire structured in two parts was used, which was followed by the proposal of Carvalho and Freitas (2013). The first one with 12 questions about the socioeconomic profile of the respondents, the second with 1 open question and 29 variables on a Likert type scale related to contents about consumption and environment. A total of 48 questionnaires corresponding to 100% were applied, that is, the entire research universe was reached. In relation to data analysis, frequency was used, data were tabulated and they were exposed in graphs in Excel. The results characterize the profile of the respondents, with a higher percentage of women, married, with children, age group over 40 and family income up to three minimum wages. For the second part, the variables were grouped into seven dimensions. It is observed that most of the dimensions were evaluated positively: consumer behavior in relation to the environment (51.7%), restlessness and irritation in relation to environmental problems (82.8%), knowledge of the environmental problem and economic factor (93.1%), lack of concern about the environment (68.8% disagreement), and conscious consumption (78.5%), except environmental activism (36.7%). After analyzing each dimension we can say that in general to environmental issues influence on the buying behavior of teachers. Only in one dimension, environmental activism, there was no majority of agreement, not being considered activists, but when one turns to individual actions, larger participation is observed.