SILVA, K. F. R.; SILVA, Katiussia Fernanda Rafael da.
According to the last census, conducted in 2010 by the Brazilian Geographic and Statistical Institute (IBGE), the area of Cariri Paraibano consisting of 29 municipalities has 1/3 of your population consists of children and adolescents, especially understood in age group from 10 to 19 years. Thus, this portion of the population caririzeira represents a significant element of observation and research about your training and dynamic. There are many aspects of childhood and adolescence that could be taken as a point of research. However, the importance given by the brazilian media to adolescents in conflict with the law aroused the interest in researching this topic in the Cariri Paraibano, given that there is so much emphasis on this issue, but that in fact, and the official data show This statement, the number of cases of adolescents in conflict with the law are small, especially considering the total population included in this age group. The present work deals with the discussion on teenagers in conflict with the law in the municipality of Sumé, investigating the various perspectives that agents and institutions use the bargain of infracionais acts, analyzing also the educational measures are applied in accordance with the law bringing the expected effect for these teenagers, especially for those deprived of liberty. For this was carried out studies and research directed to the organs that are responsible and meet these teens as police station, prosecution and judiciary, with the aim of seeking the possible social factors that contribute to the fact of committing such offences, based on authors and theorists, seeking to understand the protagonists of this work. The methodology guided in field research and desk research. During the course of field research data was collected, as qualitative indicators, and semi-structured interviews. These had the purpose to analyze the words and narratives of official agents who were interviewed.