ALVES, M. M.;; ALVES, Mirtys Maciel.
The present work aims to analyze the Didactic Book of Sociology and its relevance in the classroom as a teaching pedagogical tool, both in the classroom and outside it. Through the National Book of the Didactic Book, the free distribution of the books in the public schools of the whole Country occurs, guaranteeing to all the students of the public net better access for education. The research methodology has an exploratory qualitative character, in which the content analysis method will be used. Content Analysis is a methodology used in both qualitative and quantitative research that seeks to describe and interpret documents and texts. This analysis enables us to reinterpret texts that go beyond a common reading. Considering the work of Laurence Bardin (2009), it is noticeable how much Content Analysis has a significant support for researchers, a technique that brings a range of meanings and meanings in the diversity of research in the academic world. Studying the Didactic Book of Sociology made it possible to observe the importance it has in school and in the daily life of students. The purpose of the Sociology Book is to assist the teacher and student in building knowledge and making students more critical. The analysis of the Book has enabled me to better clarify the use of this tool as a pedagogical tool in the Western Cariri Paraíba, its use is extremely important for the educational environment, enabling a better construction of knowledge.