COSTA, L. O.; COSTA, Letícia Oliveira da.
Knowing the importance of the use of cinema in education and the benefits of Law 13.006/14, by making it compulsory to display national films for at least 2 (two) hours per month, this work aims to investigate the use of cinema in the classroom Of class in the municipality of São José dos Cordeiros - PB. For this educational panorama in the city, we carried out the research in the State School of Primary and Secondary Education Bartolomeu Maracajá, and in the Center Education of Youths and Adults - JSCA. This monograph is divided in the following chapters: in the first one, titled Knowing the field of research, the space that was realized the research, that is to say, the municipality and the educational institutions was presented. In the second chapter, called Cinema and Education, the relationship between Cinema and Education was approached. In the third and final chapter, Panorama of Cinema in Education in the municipality of São José dos Cordeiros, we discuss the data collected about the daily use of cinema in educational processes in the researched educational institutions. At the end of the study, it was observed that most teachers, even having a knowledge of the law, seeing in a positive way the use of cinema and having a good acceptance of this pedagogical resource by the students, do not use frequently, nor in an interdisciplinary way The cinema in the classroom.