BARRETO, G. A.;; BARRETO, Gustavo de Albuquerque.
The theme of health and safety of workers is increasingly present in current organizations. Laws and regulations are factors that are most frequently being applied in all kinds of activities and sectors and increasingly in specific areas, subjecting the organizations of various fields of activities the suit not to suffer penalties or damages for disobedience, as removal of employees by accidents, fines, bans and other examples that impact directly in the profits of the company. In the current market, where competitiveness between organizations at lead to success, the topic addressed in this work is of extreme importance not only for companies, but also for manufacturers and suppliers that offer products in compliance with the standards, will get advantages over competitors that fail in this regard. The development of this work, initially, a bibliographical research, with data collection through photographs, filming, unstructured interviews, being also a field where rose characteristic data of case and Horizontal used Reactivator Dryer in the manufacture of footwear in Shoe Company, located in Campina Grande-PB. The analyses carried out on the basis of Regulatory Standard 12, will that details about the requirements of work safety on machines and equipment. Finally elaborated the suggestions of adaptations of the Horizontal used Reactivator Dryer with the help of the program Adobe Illustrator through perspective and views of the machine, which detail the suggested safety devices. Therefore, the NR-12 clarifies how the machines must comply to ensure the salubrity of the worker in the execution of his function in a safe way.