OLIVEIRA, Bevândia dos Santos.
Especially from the 80, approaches on the concept of reading have been multiplying and hegemony of a formal design and mechanics of this pratice is now challenged with the emergence of the theoretical contribuions of cognition, the studies inspired by the vision and social interactionist, and perspective of discourse. The emphasis os the exercise os reading in contmporary times is facing na interactive character that involves the relationship between subjectand text, taking into account the context, the time and conditions for the production of certain directions that can beattributed to the text. Nevertheless, we findthat much theory and teching plans close to ideal, but the actual practice remains tied to the limited and archaic models of reading. With this, this workpresents a reflection on the training of readers beyond the schoolenvironment, expanding the formsof integration of the subject in the basement in sociedade. Is with Eni P. Orlandi, John W. Geraldi, Mary Kato, Angela Kleiman, Maria Helena Martins, Marlene Carvalho and Portuguese - speaking PCNs ( 1 st - 4 th ) series whill be discussedm through this work until the formation of the subject leitor. Have also intended to discuss certain ideas of reading that guid the pratice school, seekin the perception of the act of reading as an effective action extends the classroom, noted that compreensao reading this that routine including factoresthat reduce or extend the perfomace of the children in this process; refloetir with on the whole theoretical study on the strategies of reading that contribute to the formation of proficient readers, so eminently quality, since the date will be interpreted and treated from this paradigm.