TAVARES, M. N. A.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1441593399007120; TAVARES, Maria Nunes de Albuquerque.; BENTO, Maria Gislene dos Santos.; BATISTA, Renata Gomes.
This project proposes to show the importance of the cotton culture from its origin.
expansion and revitalization.
Originally from South America, cultivated by our first inhabitants the natives. Its diffusion only occurred in the middle of century XVIII, when the Industrial revolution developed in England prolonging by more than a century. Several factors contributed to its decline, among which are the competition with the Foreign and Internal Market. synthetic fiber, and other cotton producing areas that controlled the market and economic power. In addition, in the decade of 80 to 90 in century twenty appeared "plague of the bicudo" contributing in the decimation of this culture. The revitalization, that is, giving new life to the cotton culture was born of the complementary need in the family income.
However we know that only the incentive to cotton would be the solution to the sustainability of the man in the rural environment.