This work problematizes law 10.639 / 03 and its applicability in the school: the case of the School "Maria Balbina Pereira" of the district of Santa Luzia do Cariri-PB. Our specific interests were: to identify, from some authors, how Afro-Brazilian history and culture are treated in the Brazilian school environment, as well as the process of struggles that led to the formalisation of Law 10.639 / 03; (history, infrastructure, didactic pedagogical support resources, human resources and Pedagogical Political Project), as we consider as an important set of elements so that we have a better knowledge about this space so that, in this way, we can to think about the subjects that transpose it in the sense of producing knowledge there; and analyze in their school everyday. We sought theoretical support in authors such as Valente (2005), Munanga (1996), Garcia (2007), Felipe (2007), Souza (2008). The method used was qualitative research (MINAYO, 1994) and data collection was done through consultation of a general bibliography and the application of the questionnaires the studies carried out allowed to understand how they can collaborate for the different aspects of society , both in the social as well as academic area, since, we have created the probability of showing the population, that the law 10.639 / 03 outside school education can encourage the, increase of prejudice and racial discrimination; Stereotypes that smeared the image of the Negro, therefore, we pointed out that a school without the teaching of Afro-Brazilian history and culture contributes to a formation even if indirectly for the continuity of racial inequality in our country. It is understood that by constantly using material where the Negro is connected to the situation of the slave, illiterate, poor and inferior to the white man, leads us to understand that the life of the Negro was and should be understood in this way, as a to be inferior, ignorant, and that their color is synonymous with manual labor and slavery.