ALENCAR, Eugenio Rolim Rodovalho de.
This monographic work studies a historical fact that took place in 1984: the teachers' strike in the city of Cajazeiras - PB. This historic event has the quality of having been the first strike movement of municipal employees in this city. The central problem of our research concerns the memory of the teachers who participated in the strike that took place at the Monsenhor Constantino Vieira Municipal School, in August 1984. Constantino Vieira School keep in your memories about the different aspects and events of the strike that they started in 1984, more than two decades after that event? What does the discourse of the striking teachers currently expressed about that event reveal? To write and analyze the teachers' speech, we adopted the oral history methodology. Therefore, it is the story narrated by the speech of the characters who were in front of the strike events that are the object of this study. that we bring to the debate within the academy.