LIMA, S. L.;; LIMA, Santana Lívia de.
The preservation of water quality is a universal need, which requires attention from health authorities and consumers in general, particularly with regard to water from springs, such as wells, lakes, among others for human consumption. The present work had the objective of characterizing the quality and spatial distribution of the waters of public wells at urban zone of the city of Triunfo-PB, by means of geotechnologies. A survey was made of the geolocation of the wells that are used to supply the Triunfo-PB population. Samples were collected from nine (9) public tubular wells, and made laboratory tests of pH, electrical conductivity, chlorides, alkalinity, total hardness, were performed from 08 to 11 February 2016 at the Water Quality Laboratory of the UFCG/Sumé campus. The mapping of isovalues was done using the Surfer Software 11. It was evident from the results obtained that the water consumption of wells 1, 3 and 6 in the assessed situation could represent a risk to public health, since presented high values of electrical conductivity, chlorides and alkalinity; for well 8, only hardness is in disagreement with the current brazilian legislation, not presenting ideal potability conditions; therefore, they may be able to transmit water-borne diseases.