FARIAS, J. T. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4741491800509653; FARIAS, Jario Thaygo dos Santos.
This research talks about the differentiated treatment in bidding for micro and small companies at the city of Congo. In this way, the research has as problem identify which level of fulfillment the City Hall of Congo has in despite of the compliance with the provisions of the Complementary Law 123/06 in the time period of 2014 and 2015. For the solution of the problem was aimed to identify which level of fulfillment the City Hall of Congo has in despite of the compliance with the provisions of the Complementary Law 123/06 in the time period of 2014 and 2015 more precisely about the differentiated treatment in bidding for micro and small companies and which degree of participation in public purchases. It was aimed to point the main changes related to the modifications coming from the Complementary Law 147/14, presenting quantitative and qualitative data and rates about the participation of micro and small companies in this exhibitions and consequently its winners; check the financial impact, in respect to the hiring of local and regional companies and identify the participation of companies based in other cities in biddings made at the city of Congo. In the methodology were utilized researches of exploratory and explanatory nature having as research procedure a case study. The types of researches utilized are of bibliography and documental nature. In the data collection were utilized all the bidding processes realized in the years of 2014 and 2015 in the City Hall of Congo and information gathered at the Bidding and Contracts Department of the city. It was noticed that the city it is fulfilling the determinations of the Law 123/06, creating the City Law of number 077/2010, that right now is partially outdated. It determines several actions that should be fulfilled by the Executive in order to promote the participation of local companies in those bidding processes, that doesn't happen. The majority of hiring happened with local and regional companies, all using the Law 123/06. There was a decreasing in the year of 2014 to 2015. The quantity of events, number of participants, number of winners, etc. were decreased. At the local level, a marked decrease in the number of winners of all sizes has been identified, as well as on the distribution of resources was also affected from one year to another. So, it is concluded that the city needs to update the current law and apply it correctly, promoting a collaborative relationship between the actors involved in this process.