QUEIROZ, J. H. R.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0476215348069919; QUEIROZ, Júlio Henrique Rodrigues de.
This paper aimed to investigate from a critical perspective the profile of the educational formation of the philosophy teachers who work in the Professor José Gonçalves de Queiroz state school in Sumé-PB with the purpose of establishing a relationship between the educational formation of these teachers and the quality of teaching philosophy in high school in that school. To achieve this goal it was necessary to establish a few moments for the research. Thus, firstly, an investigation of the institutionalization process of the philosophy professor in the Brazilian education scene was performed. Secondly, a critical reflection on the philosophy teaching in high school grades was made, analyzing problems, dilemmas and impasses in relation to educational formation from the observation perspective of teaching practice of teachers from school where we made the research, searching in this practice the elements of teaching, methodology and the understanding of the nature of the concept of philosophy. Finally, is was established the relationship between the educational formation profile of the teachers who teach the philosophy in the chosen school in order to verify the consequences of this relationship on the learning process of philosophical content taught in class. Therefore, to accomplish the overall goal it was realized a literature search, as well as a case study about this relationship by observing the teaching practice of the three philosophy teachers, using a questionnaire and systematic observation to collect informations about the object of study.