ANDRADE, A. S.;; ANDRADE, Antônia Silânia de.
With the objective of evaluating the parameters of transport delay factor (R), dispersion-diffusion coefficient (D) and curves of sodium and potassium ions effluents present in wastewater of origin of domestic treated and dairy were carried out tests In columns filled with Neolithic Regolítico Eutrófico and Nitossolo in laboratory. Two volumes of distilled water were passed through the bottles in Mariotte flasks and then another flask containing the wastewater was interconnected to leach 2.0 volume of pores divided into 20 aliquots. The effluents obtained from the columns were sent to the laboratory and, with the values of the relative concentrations, the effluent distribution curves for the sodium and potassium solutes were constructed. The transport parameters were calculated through computational model DISP (Program to calculate the transport parameters of solutes in the soil in displacement of miscible fluids). The results showed that the delay factors were higher for potassium and sodium in the soil in the Eutrophic Regolítico Neolithic leached with treated domestic wastewater. For dairy wastewater the highest values were calculated for the potassium ion in the Neosol Regolitico Eutrophic soil and for the sodium in the soil Nitossolo. Regardless of the type of wastewater, the lowest values for the delay factors were obtained for the Nitosol. In relation to the dispersion-diffusion coefficients, it was verified that the highest values were observed for the Regolítico Eutrófico Neoliberal regardless of the type of wastewater used in the tests.