OLIVEIRA, A. T.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3503879077055106; OLIVEIRA, Alexsandra Tavares de.
The early pregnancy is an issue that has sparked many debates in the Social Sciences, associated with numerous economic, educational and behavioral factors. This paper aims to analyze and present the Gender relations in early pregnancy. This is a qualitative and quantitative exploratory research. The sample consisted of ten women, with five currently in adolescence and in adulthood five who had a pregnancy during adolescence. The research locus were the Day-Care/Preschool Rita Cipriano Bezerra and Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS), both located in the Sumé-PB ciy. To perform the data collection was used a structured interview technique, in which was possible to obtain the interviewees profiles, as well as their views on early pregnancy and gender issues. The results showed the socioeconomic disadvantage of the interviewees, given that the vast majority of them reported that early pregnancy impaired performance in school, making a difficult integration of young people into the labor market. Also revealed the gender inequality impact on these women, so many have been abandoned by their partner and others said that had more responsibilities for the upbringing and education of children , while the men's obligation was limited only to financial maintenance of the family. There was, therefore, a exacerbated early pregnancy impact against gender inequality, since women have their lives completely changed by the pregnancy and therefore abandon prospects of future lives to devote themselves to home and family.