OLIVEIRA, S. F.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5875483770458409; OLIVEIRA, Simone de Farias.
The education of young people and adults in Brazil comes from the colonial period, but if we make a historical comparison, on the subject in question, you can see that there is a new thinking about the Youth and Adult Education courses, especially issues related to context social and economic development of the students. There are several reasons why these adults to return to school, issues ranging from economic, technological requirements, criteria related to the competitiveness of the labor market, or even the need to fill the lack of studies. In this context, this study has as main objective to analyze the social and educational importance of education for these young people and adults who have returned to school. And as specific objectives, to investigate the main challenges of adult education in public schools, the city of Sumé - PB; This study, on the one hand, stems from an experience as a student in adult education classes and, secondly, because of the discussions in the academic context, always observing the social role and relevance of teaching this modality. This research can be considered a case study through which carried out the survey information from the diary notes field, with descriptions of the classes observed, as a way of meeting the objectives proposed in our study revealed the current scenario PROEJA of the municipality of Sumé - PB. The questionnaire with students and teachers of the two groups analyzed was used as data collection instrument. As a result can be noted that the educational activities of PROEJA in the municipality of Sumé - PB, take place effectively and are relevant in order to guarantee the access to education of the examined students, who are clearly moving in the levels of learning and social development of each one. The work carried out by two teachers considered satisfactory because they use methods that are directly related to the educational proposal of the program.