VERAS, Q. L. M.; VERAS, Quessia Liliane de Melo.
Administrative science is related, in general, the concept of business or productive
organization and within the administration to the human resources department has the role of
managing people, which over time became operational and bureaucratic for strategic, short-
term to long-term, for administrative advisory, focused on function to focus on the business.
Thus, organizational climate is understood as the environment both social and psychological
(values, attitudes and behavior patterns) that exists within an organization who promotes the
behavior of its members, and organizational commitment is the involvement, ie a active
relationship that seeks the welfare of the organization. In this sense, the organizational climate
combined with organizational commitment is going to develop an environment conducive to
satisfaction or dissatisfaction among the members of the company. For this reason, the
proposed work is to analyze the level of satisfaction of employees of a car dealership located
in the city of Campina Grande-PB. The methodology used to conduct this study was to survey
and interpretation literature on the subject and questionnaire (see Annex). For analysis. To
achieve the proposed objectives were applied two questionnaires (one on climate and other
organizational commitment), the 10 employees of the administrative sector of the company.
The concept of organizational climate outlined the following factors: leadership, internal
environment, compensation and rewards, communications and working conditions,
compliance and clarity. The concept of organizational commitment aspects were treated in
three dimensions: instrumental, normative and affective. The results obtained within the
organizational climate concept of the leadership factor is the strongest points in the
organization investigated, as well as the compliance factor and clarity. Finally, the dimension
of organizational commitment more strongly noted the results was the normative dimension,
which brings out the permanence in the company by a sense of moral obligation. some
communication failures were detected within the company, however, is considered to these
results, the organization's employees are satisfied with the rules and the way the company
manages and administers human resources.