LIMA, Maraísa Ferreira Alves de.
The use of investigative experimentation is one of the strategies to allow more active participation of students in the learning process. It also has a great contribution to the development of the students' cognitive abilities, since the student has a greater participation in the chemistry classes, taking the students from the position of passive subjects, and placing them before problematized situations, making with which they transgress to the position of active subjects in the learning, aiming to evaluate the teaching and learning process of the students of the EJA modality using in the classes the investigative experimentation, supported in the use of alternative material as a didactic resource to make learning of high school students. The experiment applied was natural acid and base indicator and the students had the task of investigating between purple cabbage and black bean which natural indicator was the most effective. The results show that the students had an excellent performance in terms of learning and the ease of assimilation of the subjects seen in the classroom, proving that the experimental research approach when correctly handled contributes significantly to the cognitive development of the majority of students. In addition, the experiment collaborated with the pupil / student relationship, since they performed the practice at all times in a team and had to discuss and agree.