LIMA, H. C. A.;; LIMA, Hellany Cybelle Araujo de.
With the highly competitive market, organizations are at an accelerated pace for change, especially in the current situation of financial crisis in the country. The constant search for improvement demand that industries present a performance over competitors, improving its methods of dealing with the man with the machine and other resources. The Maintenance Management helps companies decrease of failures in plant, machinery and equipment in these competitive environments. The objective is to implement the "pillar of autonomous maintenance" and "pillar of planned maintenance" within the TPM program and increase the availability in focus equipment called punching. The methodology used was exploratory, descriptive with using a bibliographic research on the pillars of Total Productive Maintenance. As a result, there is the implementation of the practices of autonomous maintenance and preventative maintenance, as well as, the management of maintenance performed through a checklist to follow.A puncture control was performed by a spreadsheet, making the sum of the pieces that were conformed. When the 40,000 hits arrived, the worksheet signaled with a red cell, and then the tool was changed. However, soon after the test of the worksheet for tool change, it was realized that the maintenance performed to change tools would be predictive maintenance and not preventive maintenance.