SILVA, R. C.;; SILVA, Rubenildo Campos da.
The Science Club of Nature and Mathematics is a very interesting pedagogical action when
seeking situations of interdisciplinary and contextualized education. Thus, the purpose of this
paper is to show the importance of implementing a Natural Sciences and Mathematics Club in
Rural Schools, describing and reflecting on an implementation that has been performed. The
implementation of the club has been built from a planned action in Activity - Natural Sciences
and Mathematics, which is linked to the Initiation Program to Teaching of the Diversity -
Diversity PIBID, the Rural Education Degree Course belonging to the Centre of semiarid
Sustainable Development of the Federal University of Campina Grande. We will present a
descriptive and reflective manner some of the actions that have been / or are being developed
in Natural Sciences and Mathematics Club in the Field School - José Gonçalves de Queiroz,
the District Pius X, in the municipality of Sumé / PB and support the importance of having a
club with several challenges, the largest being the develop a teaching Science and
Mathematics relating the knowledge to be taken as students with the reality of the field of the
student. We believe that the implementation in schools do Campo, Science Clubs, teaching
laboratories, interactive rooms, among other methods, are presented as strong possibilities for
providing such a relationship.