MACÊDO, A. A.;; MACÊDO, Araly Araújo.
This report discusses a research on how the Planning and Production Control (PPC) may contribute to the strategic management of production in a small business. Thus, the text is organized into five subsequent sections, namely: Introduction, Theoretical Foundation, Methodological aspects, treatment and analysis of results and final considerations. The research aimed to identify the activities of PPC and how they contribute to development of manufacturing strategy of the company Super Star shoes located in Campina Grande - PB. Regarding the methodology used, a search was conducted exploratory, descriptive and qualitative, consisting of a literature review on the subject in question and a case study. The results showed that the company utilizes the techniques of PPC while not having a department entirely devoted to the task, developing their skills to perform their activities always in accordance with the changes occurring in the economic sector. Regarding the suggestions to the company verified that it is necessary to improve the layout, which for being disorganized, causes loss of time in the process and consequently increase the cost beyond the creation of a database to serve as a basis for planning and long-term evaluation of technological resources, as some machines show themselves overloaded affecting productivity but also increasing the likelihood of defective both in the machine itself as the final product.