SOUZA, O. B. S.;; SOUZA, Orlândia Braz da Silva.
The castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) is an important oilseed because their advidos extractive potential of the seeds of which are extracted from oil excellent properties. It is a resistant to high temperatures and drought, but demanding in plant fertility, requiring therefore significant amounts of nutrients for yield and for the synthesis of oil and protein. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of organic fertilizer and irrigation with domestic wastewater in the development of castor BRS energy. For this, castor bean plants were grown in a greenhouse in pots, subjected to treatments that consisted of a factorial combination of four substrates (soil, manure, goat manure and compost) and two irrigation water qualities (artesian water and wastewater dairy). The effect of fertilization and irrigation were evaluated by determining the growth variables. It was concluded that irrigation with wastewater from dairy contributed to increased leaf area, plant height, stem diameter and number of leaves in castor bean plants. Plants fertilized with cattle manure showed the best developments, followed by receiving compost and manure goats.