FARIAS, A. A.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6774303107709853; FARIAS, Adriana Araújo de.
The work presented herein is aimed at detecting the impacts of social networks, especially Facebook, in the routine of coxixolenses adolescents. According to Lemos (2005), Levy (1998), Castells (1999) Recuero (2009), Rose and Santos (2013), among others, we see that the uptake of internet social networking is a present reality in new ways of relate the Post-modernity. Upon reading of the literature that addresses the theme was developed and implemented a questionnaire, where it has been implemented in the classes of 1st, 2nd and 3rd year of high school School Manoel Honorato Nephew City Coxixola. The respondents of the questionnaire were divided into 65% female and 35% male. Of these more than half concentrated in the 1st grade class representing 54% of respondents, while the 2nd year class corresponded with 31% and the 3rd year with 15%. With regard to the age group of respondents, half of them were between 15 and 16 years. The data presented naked questionnaires show that 6% of adolescents surveyed in addition to having other social cattle also have Facebook. Outo interesting fact is that these adolescents use mobile devices to access their accounts on social networks, this data suggests the variable that this fact has generated consumerism in these adolescents. The data also show that in adolescent coxixolenses the fact that these hold an account in social networks and many spend more than three hours of dedication to them, it does not significantly alter the routine of the same. Given the data presented in the survey we found that such a phenomenon that is configured at the global level, even timid and often being denied by the research population that is presented in coxixolense adolescent population.