MACÊDO, A. T;; MACÊDO, Arlan Teodósio de.
The present urban sustainability issues involved in urban or cities that show the right
conditions these spaces, from the quest for harmony between the natural and built
environment. Whereas cities evolve with society and its various forms of transformation,
processes of development and urbanization, where various actors and their practices affect
this process of structuring these urban spaces. The construction industry as an active agent in
an active way in urban areas, whose activity is focused on building projects, is driver of
impacts that may affect the quality of cities in terms of distribution and use of space, the use
of natural resources and waste generation, quality of life, as well as the contribution through
his activity with the legitimacy of urban public policy to make the city more sustainable.
The theoretical basis of this study is the conceptual model proposed by the discursive
matrix Acselrad (2009), where it is three discourses of urban sustainability: the city in its
representation of technical material, the city as a place for quality of life and the city as a
space of legitimation public policy. From this perspective, the theoretical basis of this study
is a conceptual model of discursive matrix proposed by Henri Acselrad(2009). This
paper aims to analyze the objective of this study is to evaluate the aspects of urban
sustainability considered by the construction companies in Campina Grande, in the perception
of managers, engineers and owners of these companies. Thus, the methodology is an
exploratory and descriptive, with an analysis of quantitative and qualitative data were
collected through a questionnaire prepared based on a model of the three arrays or
representations of the city, where they were proposed a set of urban sustainability indicators
appropriate for the construction industry. The questionnaire was administered with the owner,
engineer or manager in companies through the awarding of marks that represent the
companies' perceptions about the applicability of the indicators or aspects of urban
sustainability in their activities. The relevance of this study is to discuss urban sustainability
in the context of construction, from the necessity of incorporating aspects of the construction
companies of sustainability from the perspective of the city in its flow of resources and waste,
the city as a place for quality of life and the city as a space of legitimacy of public policies.
The results show that in the perception of companies, the construction industry in Campina
Grande, PB represented by the construction companies, demonstrate that they have
incorporated some aspects of urban sustainability, but still relies on individual stocks and
timely. Despite achieving a high degree of sustainability, this does not mean that the practices
are implemented efficiently.