ANDRADE, A.P.R.; ANDRADE, Alan Patrick Roberto de.
The present report approachesthe thematic of the satisfaction of the customers in relation the
quality of the services the RUTRA . Located in the city of Campina Grande - PB. For this a
research was carried through, with customers care of by the company, for in such a way, the
text meets organized in five subsequent sections: Introduction, Theoretical Fundamentation,
methodological aspects, Presentation, Analyze of the results and Final considerations. It is on
the basis of the perspectives of the marketing of services that if develops this work, reflecting
on the importance of the marketing in order to verify the satisfaction of the customers and
consequently the Fidelity. It has an expressive search for the Excellency of the quality; the
organizations must assure this Excellency in all the company, in the constant search of the
perfection, a time that all this cares if reflects in the satisfaction of the external and internal
customers. For the support of our work a bibliographical survey became all involving the
context in what it says respect to the marketing of services and the perceived quality,
culminating with the research applied in the universe of the customers who frequent the store
of the RUTRA.