LIMA, A. C. B.;; LIMA, Ana Caroline Batista de.
In the current market dynamics, differentiating among competitors for the use of technologies and facilities are not enough to remain competitive. In this context, managers have their expanded focus on the potential that their employees have to contribute to the development of the company through competencies. In the case of processes in the area of people management, this study aimed to analyze how skills are developed within the management processes of people adopted in the Junior Company of the Administration of the Universidade Federal de Campina Grande. In order to analyze how the competences are developed within the recruitment, selection, training, development and performance evaluation processes, also verifying how the competences are mapped. In order to reach the general objective, this research is characterized as a case study, whose data were obtained through a semistructured interview with those responsible for the company's personnel management department, the director of people management and the two analysts. The results show that there is competence training. Although a competency management model formalized in the company is not found, there are practices that encourage members to develop a professional stance, with the possibility of implementing a competency management model with the guidance of teachers in the area.