RAMOS, A. C. M. P.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7483308842112140; RAMOS, Ana Cláudia Martins Palmeira.
The personality of the Institution of Higher Education’s (IHE) brand is a way that it has to communicate with society. Considering the importance of a brand, of a visual identity, this dissertation presents objectify develop an identity proposal of a brand for the Administration degree, of Humanity Center from UFCG. The foundation of the theory of this research contains discussions about Branding and Marketing from Institutions of Higher Education. It is about an applied and exploratory study, built in two stages, the first one is an application of a survey to sound the preferences of the actors involved (teachers, technicians and the students). The second one represented the elaboration of the proposals of visual identity. Those stages are described and detailed in the outcome stage. In conclusion, it remains the realization to return an effective contribution to the degree, which provided to the researcher a professional career.